

What happened in this site


no community at that time, the prison and stadium mainly governed the place.In 1922, refugees came in and formed a new force and occupied the area to the southwest of the stadium.


Tow refugee housing complexes were built, left some empty shanty houses on the site.The prison still mainly affected the environment ,a community was slowly forming and completely shaped after the the prison was moved away.
Occationally, when there was a game, new forces of football fans came in and affected the whole neighbourhood, especially the closest refugee housing complex.

What is happening now

refugees moved away, the complex is occupied by squatters and half abandoned, the football club moved away as well,left the stadium an empty one.and the school is also abandoned.
Forces governing the place:hospitals,goverment agencies, residents live in polykatikia around.
Occationally, when there are protests on the Alexsandras ave. the police headquater is the target, new forces of protesters are coming in.

What will happen

Due to the crisis  now,the forces in the site will change.New homeless are coming, the power of government are becoming weaker,and social problems will increase,so the need for health care shall be enhanced,both mentally and physically.
there is no need for facilities like a stadium which is highly likely to be replaced by other things like a shelter.

one possibility of the distribution of forces if the financial crisis continuously getting worse.